Thursday, April 26, 2007


Ok, so we named our dog Luna - moon. We got her on earth day so we were looking for something that had to do with nature (Marcin loved the idea with his Ecology background- he must have named all the trees in Latin and half of them were not even close to dog's name). I came up with Luna, since she was so nervous the first night, walking around the house and not being able to sleep or let us rest we decided for that particular name. I still call her "doggy" because she's just such a sweet and silly dog.

On the other hand she's crazy, she managed to shred into pieces all the toys we got her, bones last her few hours and once she's done my house is a mess!

Despite all this she's really good and still very scared dog... Her story is sad; she was caged all her short life (she's a year), malnourished and abused - despite all this, the dog has unconditional love for us, humans and longs for touching and approval. I am most honored to have such dog in my life and sure she'll be our dearest companion for long time.

Here's her typical pass time while I'm working on editing:

1 comment:

Gulnara said...

She looks like Luna with all the spots on her face!!